How I can Help

Boundaries are the key to your freedom….

How often do you agree to something that you later resent? Do you neglect your needs, and then resent others for not showing up for you in the way you expect?

Are you feeling like you just. don’t. know. yourself?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone. I have been there! Society has taught us to behave reactively to get our needs met. In fact, it has taught us that our needs don’t even matter, only outcomes. This cultural dynamic results in marriages feeling empty and individuals feeling unfulfilled (unless x..y…z…happens). Staying in patterns that continually betray our own hearts results in deep feelings of depression, confusion, and resentment.

Imagine a world where you say no without feeling guilty! Imagine a world where you say yes without feelings of resentment or needing the favor returned. Imagine a new way of mindfully living where you check in on your true gut to guide your decisions instead of basing your choices on the reaction or outcomes of others. Imagine the freedom of letting go of what others think!

This is why learning how to implement boundaries allows us to love ourselves. Boundary work is hard, but I have every belief that you have what it takes. I can guide you and help YOU create the boundaries in your life that will help you feel loved by the one who matters most: your true self! If you are ready to begin the journey, check out my services that include self study courses and 1:1 coaching sessions.

Boundary self improvement

What I offer

  1. A free 45 Minute Consultation where you can ask questions and learn more about the benefits of coaching
  2. 1 hour individual coaching sessions on how to create, speak, and enforce boundaries at work, at home, or internally. Coaching is a process, and you will need to do more then one session to see any progress. That is why I offer individual sessions in packages.
  3. Daily Support by phone or email. If you ever have questions or need to check in between sessions, I make myself available to you.
  4. Personalized tools such as daily self care sheets, affirmations, boundary creation worksheets, and shame exploration. These are tools that I may suggest during our coaching to help you further the work and turn ideas into action.
  5. Self study education courses that explore topics such as self-care, boundaries, and shame.

What you can expect

Once you are committed to doing the personal work you can expect:

  1. To feel more trusting of yourself and the universe as a whole
  2. To feel confident that you are capable of speaking and meeting your own needs
  3. To Feel more serenity in your every day life and relationships
  4. To be more successful and productive at work with a newfound sense of who you are.
  5. To carry a deep sense of well being that is accessible during dark times.

Are you ready to find your freedom?