Digging Deep Series: Why Affirmations are Underrated and Underused

Hi Friends,

Welcome to the first installment of the “Digging Deep Series”. This series is just what it’s name implies; a chance to dig deeper into the basic building blogs of serenity! First up: the famous (perhaps infamous?) affirmations! Cue the eye-rolling!

I know affirmations aren’t anything new to many of us. We are told to use them over and over again. We are often encouraged to listen to them while meditating or during a yoga class. We have read about or been told about the impact of reading our personal affirmations for 5 minutes each morning for our “power start”. When we seek out help, affirmations are usually quick to be suggested.

Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

And yet we don’t use them! We may nod and smile and write one or two affirmations down next to our bathroom mirror. Maybe we review them for a week, or two if we are serious do-gooders, and then they somehow fall by the way side.

We somehow let one of our best weapons against the God-Of-What-Others-Think get rusty!


My theory is, whether we admit it or not, we feel silly.

Silly saying corny sentences to ourselves in the mirror. Silly for thinking something so simple would actually have an impact on our day. Silly for not really believing them and silly for needing to use them.

And you know what “silly”actually means? Shame.

Maybe we avoid affirmations because we are filled to the brim with shame. Shame that we need to practice them and shame because we don’t really believe it, and maybe shame because our problems feel so big that something so simple couldn’t possibly make a difference.

We all want a magic wand that will just make us feel better. Feel more confident, more self-assured, more beautiful, more capable. Just More.

Affirmations tell us that we are enough. That we already are what we wish we were and that we can enjoy just being. Affirmations, though may trigger our shame, also eat away at it.

Don’t get me wrong, for the first few weeks, probably even months, you’re going to feel silly. And me writing and quoting the actual brain research about how the mind creates new pathways isn’t going to change that. (P.s. If you’re a nerd like me and actually want me to quote the research, feel free to ask for it. It’s out there!)

But I PROMISE if you’re willing to commit to a long winded experiment, you’ll slowly start feeling less silly and more positive. Positive about yourself, about others, and about your life. How can you stop comparing yourself to others? Affirmations. How can you begin building self-confidence? Affirmations. How do you fight imposter syndrome? AFFIRMATIONS!

Affirmations truly are a basic building block of serenity. And just like exercising or eating right, there’s nothing that makes it easier to do; we just have to do it.

So, my challenge to you is to create 3 affirmations and by golly, put it next to your bathroom mirror and read them everyday, for 6 weeks! Embrace the silly, and do it while rolling your eyes if you must. But just try it (even if for no other reason than to prove me wrong)!

Here’s a little tip: The best affirmations are short yet personal. Tailor them to your specific challenge. Feeling intimidated? “I’m capable”. Feeling guilty? “I am allowed to take a break”. Affirmations directly challenge our faulty core beliefs, paving the road to our true selves.

As always, a support network is vital to this type of work. So if you need a little extra help pulling out those faulty core beliefs and creating new ones, reach out any time through email, phone, or text.

With Serenity (and a list of affirmations)
