Boundaries Pt 1: How We Treat Ourselves

What are you painting, friends? When people think about setting boundaries, they often think about letting others know of behavior that is or is not acceptable and what will happen to the relationship if the boundary is broken. I like to think of setting…

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Digging Deep Series: It takes a village

Hey there, Welcome to the third installment of the “Digging Deep” series where I dig deeper into the building blocks of a serene life. If you haven’t already, check out the first two installments! So far we’ve covered affirmations and mindful practices. Now we…

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Digging Deep Series: Mindful vs. Mind-Full

Hey ya’ll welcome to the second installment of the “Digging Deep” series, where I dig deeper into the building blocks of the serene life you deserve! This week’s building block is mindfulness. Now, if you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ll…

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The Myth of Justification

Hi friends, Do you ever feel “stuck?” Do you ever struggle to make a decision even though you feel it’s right in your heart? Do you find yourself struggling to be present for fun, relaxing, joyful, or otherwise unproductive times? If you’re anything like…

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Cereal for Dinner

Today was a roller coaster of a day! Can I tell you a not-so-secret secret? I often struggle with feeling like I’ve achieved my goal of having a balanced day (that is why my mindful minute routine is so important to me!). Today was…

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Maximum Effort

Okay, stick with me to the end here, I promise this will get somewhere! As I am sitting down to write this post, I am watching my daughter out of the window play in the yard. She has her favorite GIANT ball. Like big…

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