About Me

Hi, I’m Leah, a serenity enthusiast and recovering workaholic. Thanks for joining me!

I could probably write an entire book about how I got to where I am today and why I became a boundary, self care, and self empowerment coach. Through being a child of divorce, being a child of an incarcerated parent, and fighting like hell for my marriage through sex addiction and betrayal trauma, my greatest trials became my greatest teachers. In the beginning, I was broken, lost, and unable to live by boundaries or focus on my own needs. Back then, if you asked me what I needed I would answer with my long to-do list for the day! I felt like I had to earn, manipulate, or otherwise convince others to meet my needs and to create a sense of wellbeing for my life. I relied on their perfection to feel a sense of safety. Now, I am able to allow others, and myself, to be humanly flawed. I can speak and meet my own needs (my real ones, not my chore list) while inviting others to connect with me in authenticity instead of codependency.

As I watched the consequences of other people’s actions create earthquakes in my own life, I soon realized that the earthquakes were necessary to reveal my own fault lines. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to learn how to Let Go, Let God, and implement life changing boundaries that helped me heal and grow in ways I never imagined. Now, I want to help others do the same through boundary, self care and self empowerment life coaching.

I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and I am a trained Professional Coach through the World Coaching Institute. I am currently working toward my Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. However, I believe that more than letters behind a name qualifies an individual.

I believe that we all carry within us the capacity to heal ourselves. Although we are not always in control of the circumstances in our lives, we are always responsible to find our own healing. It truly has become my life passion to carry the messages of hope and healing while embracing the beauty of personal boundaries, self care, and self empowerment.

If you find yourself feeling invisible, lost, unable to speak or even identify your needs in productive ways, or otherwise desire to feel more empowered in your life our coaching partnership can be the next step in rediscovering the true you. My experiences have allowed me to bring a unique perspective and skill set to personal boundary and shame coaching, because I’ve done it for myself! If you feel ready to begin showing up and making decisions for yourself instead of others, schedule a FREE 45 minute consult today!