Digging Deep Series: It takes a village

Hey there, Welcome to the third installment of the “Digging Deep” series where I dig deeper into the building blocks of a serene life. If you haven’t already, check out the first two installments! So far we’ve covered affirmations and mindful practices. Now we…

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Digging Deep Series: Mindful vs. Mind-Full

Hey ya’ll welcome to the second installment of the “Digging Deep” series, where I dig deeper into the building blocks of the serene life you deserve! This week’s building block is mindfulness. Now, if you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ll…

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The Myth of Justification

Hi friends, Do you ever feel “stuck?” Do you ever struggle to make a decision even though you feel it’s right in your heart? Do you find yourself struggling to be present for fun, relaxing, joyful, or otherwise unproductive times? If you’re anything like…

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