
Many people feel life coaching is vague. You might be thinking that a coach is someone looking to convince you to give them money for minimal service. If you’re feeling confused and skeptical, read on!

What Is Coaching?

First and foremost, coaching is a partnership. That means that I don’t hold the solution to your life problems, as much as we might wish I did. What I can provide is something much more valuable then spoon-fed-one-size-fits-all solution: a safe place to discover the solutions you already posses.

In my own life, I have discovered a very important and comforting truth: We are never alone! Although our problems are unique to our circumstances, many others have walked a similar path and overcame many challenges. I truly believe that we can gain valuable insights, solutions, and tools by working with others who have grown through similar experiences. Coaching is simply a vessel to share our journeys and experience in a solution-focused partnership

I offer personalized individual sessions with tailored discussion coupled with resources and daily tools that have worked for me and many others. Sessions can be done in person, online, or over the phone. Through my coaching certification and life experience, I have become skilled at asking important questions that could help you unlock the solutions that are within you. I truly believe that we all hold the capability to heal ourselves and build the life we want. Sometimes, it takes a coach to help guide this process of self discovery and to challenge us to dig deeper.

What Topics Can I Coach On?

I specialize in helping others develop, speak, and enforce personal boundaries. This can look like many different things for different people. Perhaps it could look like becoming more assertive at work, or asking for needs to be met within a marriage. Maybe it means learning how to let go of what other’s think, or be as simple as identifying your needs, hobbies, and self care routine. Whatever boundaries you feel you need to implement, I know that having healthy boundaries with others and within your self results in fulfilling relationship, greater intimacy, safety, and a sense of well being.

Additionally, I can help with career coaching, resume review, interview prep and practice, and Sexual Addiction Recovery/Betrayal Trauma resources ( which is free). I also partner with Heart Connections Horsemanship for those who are interested in experiential horsemanship learning.

Click the buttons below to learn more about how I can help you, courses and coaching packages with pricing, or to schedule a FREE consultation! *Note: It is recommended to schedule a consultation prior to scheduling a coaching package.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!